A Preview packages up your videos and documents into a private shareable link or QR code.
Individual/ Personal Previews can be created out of Personal User accounts. The templates are designed to help candidates introduce themselves more effectively with video.
Business Previews can be created out of Business User / Organisation accounts . The templates are designed to help bring internal and external communication to life with video (e.g. onboarding new employees, promotion or your business, services or jobs).
Invitation Responses are a type of Preview. They are created when you click on a link generated by PreviewMe Business account user. You are 'responding to an invitation' by creating a Preview (eg. a business with a job opening has created an Invitation and you have clicked the link. The 'Invite' or 'Invitation' is the application process/framework and the Invitation Response is your application).
Draft: A draft is how a Preview starts its life (if creating from scratch or duplicating an existing Preview). Drafts are completely private and cannot be shared with, or viewed by third parties. You can have as many drafts in your dashboard as you like and they do not count towards any Basic (free) plan limits.
Published: A published Preview is a final product. You are able to share the link or QR code and anyone who has the link or QR code can view the Preview (including Invitation Response) and its contents. You control it and can edit or unpublish it at any time. Once unpublished, the Preview reverts back to a draft state and anyone who has the link or QR code will not be able to view it. Published Previews count towards your Basic (Free) Plan limits.
Archived: You can archive draft, published and suspended Previews as a way of un-cluttering your dashboard while still giving you access to all your videos and documents to make new Previews. Archiving a published Preview unpublishes it in the process. You can reactivate archived Previews at anytime which brings them back into your dashboard.
Suspended: Previews will become suspended when you exceed the maximum number of published Previews allowed.. While suspended, those Previews are not visible to anyone you have shared them with. A Preview will become suspended if you downgrade from a paid plan to the Free Plan, for example, if we are unable to process your payment for for a paid plan (taking you from unlimited to a limited number of published Previews). The most recent Individual or Business Previews published above limit will be suspended. To re-active them you will have to unpublish other Previews to get within the Basic (Free) Plan limits or upgrade your account.
Every Preview that you publish is assigned a unique link and QR code. When someone is clicking the link or scanning the QR code your Preview will open in that device's web browser.
The link can be shared through virtually any digital channel; email, SMS/Text, Social media channel; LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, directly onto your website, job portals, HR/CRM third party platforms etc.
The QR code can be downloaded and shared as part of any document for example, embedded in a CV or cover letter, in a magazine, newspaper, book, poster, flier, or advertisement on a shop window.
Yes, you can duplicate and edit entire Previews from your dashboard.
Any videos or documents added to one Preview are saved and can be re-used for other Previews.
Personal / Individual Previews:
Job Applications - The most common use case for a Personal/Individual Preview is as part of a job application. Your Preview can serve as your entire application or as part of your application. When used as your entire application, your Preview will contain your video, documents (CV and references) and other details all captured within a single link. Only want to submit a Preview as part of an application? Create a Preview to make your video introduction and include the link as part of the application process you are pursuing. E.g. job portals or job boards.
Scholarship Applications - Another popular use of a Preview is for scholarship applications. Using your Preview to share a series of videos that add another dimension to your scholarship application. E.g. sporting highlight reels, broad-brush introduction, academic overview, goals, values and college fit all wrapped up in a Preview.
References - Whether it is a personal or professional reference or endorsement, Previews can be used to give references for others. Video adds to the authenticity of a reference and the referee is easily verifiable (particularly when accompanied with contact details and cross referenced to social/professional media channels).
Business / Organizations Previews:
Promoting job vacancies - Businesses can use Previews to promote job vacancies and, orally and visually walk candidates through application requirements. Building and promoting employer brand is essential and Previews enable businesses share information about your company & culture with candidates using video. Previews can be loaded into career portals, careers pages on websites and more frequently now onto a businesses social media channels as part of paid, targeted job advertising.
Promoting brand, services or meeting key team members - Popular in Retail and Consumer Goods sectors, Previews are a cost effective (or free) way of promoting goods or services and business information. Use cases include Previews created for customers to meet the team, share stories and increase brand recognition, meet their local barista, meet the chef at the restaurant, or meet the CEO of a company.
Employee onboarding - Gone are the days of pages of reading for new employees away from writing paragraphs and shift to video for particular internal communications, specifically we are seeing Previews created to support to new employee onboarding (or updates using simple video to all employees. e.g. videos detailing work health and safety protocols). The reason being is the creator can track when the Previews are viewed, videos played and documents opened.
Investment Pitchs - A new use case adopted by start-ups is our Investment Pitch template giving Start-Ups/ Growth companies the opportunity to properly introduce the business and the people to investors earlier in the investment life cycle.
This emerged out of Covid lockdowns restricting the opportunities for businesses seeking investment to get in front of investors and break the ice. Another perk has been that creators can track when the Previews are opened, videos watched and documents / links clicked adding more transparency to that process.
An Invitation is an application workflow contained in a unique, shareable link created in minutes that lets you invite candidates to submit individual Preview applications (Invitation Responses) using our video platform.
They capture all of your Invitation Responses (including video) in one place to easily compare, review and share with colleagues and clients.
An Invitation let's you select the type of Preview you want to receive from applicants when they apply for an opportunity (eg - a job opening, or putting out a tender for work).
Once you've selected the type of Preview you want to receive and added any instructions (such as what videos you want created or documents you want added) PreviewMe generates an Invitation link that you can share publicly or privately.
Anyone with that link can then create the Preview in response to your ‘invitation' - these are called 'Invitation Responses’.
The published Previews are captured in your PreviewMe Business account in a structured and coherent way for you to review in your own time.
The Invitation link can be shared through virtually any digital channel; email, SMS/Text, Social media (directly into posts or under 'apply' buttons on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram), directly onto your website and via job portals.
In addition, every Invitation generated is assigned a unique QR code that can be shared in print. Anyone who clicks or scans the Invitation QR code will be able to open it in their device’s web-browser.
The Invitation QR code can be downloaded and shared as part of any document for example, embedded in a in a magazine, newspaper, book, poster, flier or job advertisement on a shop window.
Invitations open once the link is generated by default or you can set a date in the future for the Invitation to open. If you set a date in the future, the Invitation will open 12:01am local time for the Invitation creator.
Invitations can have no closing date or a predetermined closing date. If you do set a closing date, the Invitation will close at 11:59pm local time for the Invitation creator. Invitations will also close automatically if you downgrade to a Plan where the feature is not available when that downgrade takes effect.
On the Business' Professional Plan the Organisation can have up to two Invitations open at any one time.
On the Business' Enterprise Plan there are no limits on the number of open Invitations the Organisation can have open at any one time.
You may still receive Invitation responses from applicants after an Invitation has closed because the link has been clicked by an applicant and the applicant has started the process while the Invitation was still open.
We have enabled to make available the option to invite applicants that have submitted an Invitation response to update their content during the screening process, for example, add additional videos or documents which is often after the Invitation is closed off to the general public.
Late applicants can be distinguished from applicants who applied on time when grouped in date order.
You may still receive Invitation responses from applicants after an Invitation has closed because the link has been clicked by an applicant and the applicant has started the process while the Invitation was still open.
We have enabled to make available the option to invite applicants that have submitted an Invitation response to update their content during the screening process, for example, add additional videos or documents which is often after the Invitation is closed off to the general public.
Late applicants can be distinguished from applicants who applied on time when grouped in date order.
Treat Video Chapters on PreviewMe like Chapters in a book - it is how PreviewMe breaks up and presents the videos you share in Previews. Designed to help you focus your content into short, sharp snippets making it easier for the viewer to digest.
Each Chapter can have it’s own title, it’s own focus & flavor. They are created independently of one another and once created can be re-used easily in other Previews.
When a Chapter is played in your Preview, it runs seamlessly onto the next as if it were a single video timeline.
There are no limits on the number of Video Chapters you can have in a Preview.
Its this simple: short videos are easier for you to create and easier for others to watch. 45 seconds is at the upper limit of what we would recommend you record, we are seeing the sweet spot around 20 - 30 seconds but that also depends on the subject, number of points made and intended audience.
Having short videos helps to focus your thinking on the subject matter and break down your message into bite size chunks (which means you can re-use shorter generic videos across more Previews saving time in the future).
Shorter videos have significantly higher levels of engagement than longer videos. For example, a viewer navigating 4 x 30-second titled videos each covering different but specific topics (that run as a single video timeline in your Preview) is easier than navigating a single 2 minute video covering the same content with no reference points.
Video files are limited to 100mb.
Video file sizes depend on a number of variables such as HD (High Definition) vs. SD (Standard Definition), frame rate, color depth, even the amount of movement in the video.
If videos are recorded or uploaded from Android or IOS devices the default resolution is normally Full High Definition (1920x1080). Other devices (notebooks and laptops) have lower and varied default resolutions.
You can reduce the size of the video file by editing the video resolution down to HD (1280x720) or SD (720x576) on your device prior to uploading it into PreviewMe.
Image files are limited to 5mb (eg standard profile photo of social media).
A 1 minute video will be approximately:
60mb with 720p HD (typical streaming quality); or
130mb with 1080p HD at 30 frames per second (default for most devices); or
175mb with 1080p HD at 60 frames per second (smoother); or
270mb with 4K at 24 frames per second (file style); or
350mb with 4K at 30 frames per second (higher resolution); or
400mb wih 4k at 60 frames per second (higher resolution & smoother).
To make a video smaller with QuickTime, open the app from your Applications folder and click File > Open File to load your video.
To begin making your video smaller, click File > Export As. Unfortunately, QuickTime doesn’t give you as many options as some other apps. You’ll see 4k (if applicable), 1080p, 720p, and 480p options.
Select 720p or 480p (assuming you recorded in 1080) and export your file. It should be smaller than when you started.
To make a video smaller with Windows Movie Maker, open the app on your PC.
From the navigation pane click Import Video > Select your Video. drag your video into the timeline then click finish movie and save to my computer.
To begin making your video smaller, click 'show more choices' > select base fit to file size > and set file size to 100.
The video will then be produced where you choose to save it in your computer.
PreviewMe accepts any video file format. The video file you upload to PreviewMe is always then converted into MP4.
The teleprompter can be accessed from the Preview editor (video section) when you select ‘Record Video’.
PreviewMe’s teleprompter is available on Mac and PC notebook, laptop and desktop computers, and all Android devices.
The teleprompter is not currently available on Iphone / IOS devices.
Most common reason is the speed of your internet connection. If your internet connection is slow the play speed can be faster than the download speed which means the video may stall. If this happens, wait for 30 seconds (varied depending on the strength of your internet connection) to let the video download (which is done behind the scenes) before playing the video again.
PreviewMe Enterprise or Pro Plan
HubSpot Account
What does it do?
Adding the HubSpot Tracking Code integration makes PreviewMe an extension of your instance of HubSpot. Visitor activity is tracked on your Previews just like HubSpot landing pages. It also prompts the user for cookie approval where necessary (keeping you in compliance with privacy laws like GDPR and CCAP), and can display the HubSpot chatbot if that’s been enabled. You can learn more about the HubSpot Tracking Code capabilities here.
How do I set it up?

You’ll need your HubSpot Hub ID. To find your Hub ID, log in to HubSpot and open the dropdown menu under your account name in the upper right. You can also find your Hub ID in your HubSpot account's URL.

Within PreviewMe, go to Workspace Settings → Integrations.
Click the ‘+ Add Integration’ button.
Select the ‘+ Add’ button on the HubSpot integration.
Enter the Hub ID of your HubSpot account and press ‘Save’
Be sure to 'Enable' the integration after you've saved.
PreviewMe Enterprise or Pro Plan
Google Analytics 4 Account
What does it do?
PreviewMe’s integration with Google Analytics means that all of the engagement with your Previews gets sent to your web analytics platform. This allows you to measure traffic and user behavior on your video communications platform the same way you would with your website and other web properties.
How do I set it up?

Log into your Google Analytics 4 account.
Click “Admin” from the navigation sidebar.
Select the “Property” you want to get the Measurement ID for.
Click “Data Streams” in the second column.
Choose your Data Stream from the list.
Then you’ll see your Measurement ID, which you'll be able to copy.

Within PreviewMe, go to Workspace Settings → Integrations.
Click the ‘+ Add Integration’ button.
Select the ‘+ Add’ button on the Google Analytics integration.
Enter the Measurement ID of your Google Analytics account and press ‘Save’.
Be sure to 'Enable' the integration after you've saved.
PreviewMe Enterprise or Pro Plan
Google Analytics 4 Account
Yes! Tell us what type of integrations you're looking for. There a good chance we can make something work for you.
Business Accounts and Organizations
Every person who registers on PreviewMe will create their own PreviewMe Account that is separate and distinct from an Organization Account.
When you register for the first time and wanting to use PreviewMe for your business, additional step is added to the registration process requiring you to create an Organization and fill out some details about your business.
If you have registered as an Individual/Personal User you can still go on to create and join Organizations. This can be done from the dropdown in the left-hand navigation next to your name.
Yes, you can be a member of multiple Organizations in the following ways:
1. You can create new Organizations from inside your own Individual Account; or
2. You can be invited into an Organization by another User.
Each Organization is independent of another and work done as a member of one is not visible to another.
You can add or remove team members from an Organization through the Organization Settings tab on the left-hand navigation then selecting > Team Members. This pane is where all of your team members and permissions are managed.
*Adding team members is currently a free feature that will be commercialized in the future.
Any content eg: Previews, videos or documents, created by a team member of an Organization is owned and controlled by the Organization account where that content is stored, not by the individual team member.
The world is changing, businesses are not always looking to recruit but may always be looking to promote and use video. Having a free tier that let's a Business create in single piece of shareable video content is value we want businesses to have access to and nurture a businesses journey to making video a part of their DNA.
It also recognizes that businesses may not always want to, or need to pay services or features we have in our paid tiers and this gives you the freedom to downgrade and upgrade your Organization at your discretion while keeping your data safe and secure.
Billing, Plans & Cancellation
Yes, it is free to register and get started. Everyone who registers (whether as an Individual or Business) has access to the Free tier features from day 1.
Our free tier makes PreviewMe more accessible and gives everyone who wants to create and share Previews (or a video) to promote themselves (or their businesses) more effectively the ability to do so without incurring any cost.
Whether subscribed as an individual or business you can scale up or down between our Plans at anytime.
Our billing cycles run for one month from when you register or subscribe to one of our Plans.
The credit card on file will be charged at the start of the billing cycle for the month ahead.
Yes you can.
If upgrading from Free to any paid plan you pay the full amount of the plan you choose and the date of upgrade starts the billing cycle for that plan.
If you upgrade from one paid plan to a higher plan then you pay the difference between the time remaining in your current billing cycle at the new Plan rate.
If you downgrade from one paid plan to a lower paid or free plan, you will continue to have access to the features of your current plan for the remainder of the current billing cycle and the downgrade takes effect from the start of the next billing cycle.
You will continue to have access to the features in the plan you are downgrading from for the remainder of the current billing cycle and when a new billing cycles commences you will lose access to your previous plan features.
You can cancel you paid subscription (as an individual or Organization) by downgrading to the Basic Plan (which is Free). The cancellation which will take effect at the end of the billing cycle.
When inside your Personal account; from the top right-hand image (or alphabetical tile) select: Profile > Plan & Billing > Delete Account. You must type in 'delete' to give effect to the account deletion.